As times change, so must your security. Different technologies, trends, and social situations require different services or approaches when it comes to security guards and security systems. Stay up to date with the latest tips and trends in 2022:

1. Incorporate technology into the security guard role

One security trend that has become popular and is likely to continue into the foreseeable future is the integration of both in-person security and technology-based security systems and mobile apps. Cybersecurity and security guards are no longer considered separate entities; many companies that have installed security systems are adding private security guards to enhance their protection. Technology acts as a force multiplier and significantly enhances the situational awareness of on-site security guards. This allows your security guards to have “eyes everywhere,” but only have to respond directly to situations when necessary. This “hybrid” approach has proven to be extremely effective, achieving more goals with the same number of people.

Another advantage of “hybrid” security technology is accessibility. Since building and event access codes can be added to smartphones and personal devices, there will likely be less need for physical badges or hard-to-remember codes in the future. Our devices may be all we need to enter restricted areas in the near future.

With more high-tech cameras (which are now significantly more reliable, affordable, and faster), various apps, and technological security measures that security guards can access right on their mobile devices, the integration of technology into live security will only continue to grow. These modern conveniences make things easier for those entering and leaving buildings or events, as well as for the security guards who are managing them. The future will be a safer and smoother place in terms of security!

2. Shortage of workers

The Covid-19 outbreak that has occurred over the past few years has unfortunately affected the essential position of security guards, as this is a job that cannot be done remotely. Since the virus is spread through person-to-person contact, some security guards have fallen ill while on the job, leaving the industry with fewer employees. The shortage of security guards has become a trend that is likely to continue into 2022, although it is hoped that it will recover over time, coinciding with the time when the virus wanes. Unfortunately, this is a trend that is happening across many industries right now, as different strains of the coronavirus continue to emerge and infect people, prolonging this pandemic for another two years.

To ensure that your company is best protected, be sure to choose a security company that cares about their employees and invests in them. A happier and more satisfied employee will do a better job and require more thought. There will also be less staff turnover, allowing you to build a relationship with your security team, which benefits all parties involved.

However, technology can help fill some of the gaps left by the current staff shortage, with video recording capabilities becoming much more reliable and faster over the years. More can be achieved if fewer physical security guards are needed, but the best solution is always a good combination of both.

3. Risk Assessment and Analysis

Crime prevention and deterrence is a trend that will continue to grow. While part of security involves identifying crimes and issues after the fact, what seems to be most prevalent today is proactive risk management; preventing problems and crimes before they have a chance to happen. This is especially important for any company that has valuable data, assets or equipment that needs to be protected at all costs. Having trained security professionals conduct a risk assessment on site is ideal, as this will uncover vulnerabilities that could put property or people at risk, potentially saving your business time, money and effectively protecting your employees and/or customers.

Technology also plays a key role in this area of ​​security, as advanced AI techniques such as machine learning use predictive analytics to make statistical decisions on large volumes of data – a method used in intelligent video analytics and other proactive surveillance solutions. This means that rather than just being a forensic analysis tool used after an incident, the capabilities and speed of AI means that it is quickly becoming a preventative tool, allowing security professionals to prevent crimes from happening.

By successfully analysing the risks and vulnerabilities of your building, business, security systems and access management, your security team will be better prepared to address these issues ahead of time, thus preventing crime as well as preparing for it.

4. Extensive Training for Security Guards

Whether your security guards have experience in law enforcement or the military, training is essential for security guards to be at the top of their game. In addition to general security training, the best service providers will require extensive training that is both industry-specific and addresses current threats. New threats or issues can and will arise in different industries, and your security team must stay up to date on the latest crime trends that may emerge. These trends may be industry-specific, regional, or simply general crime trends. Additional training can be provided for security guards who have a specific assignment or event in mind. This security trend is likely to continue to grow, as regular training for security teams has proven beneficial, and is tailored to the specific tasks they undertake.

Contact Elite Guard for your security needs in 2022

While it is important to stay up to date with the latest security trends, it is even more important to ensure that your security services are from a reputable company that cares about you, your business, your employees, your customers and your overall needs. Call Elite Guard today on 028 6295 9758 or fill out our online form to find out more about how we can help you. Our team is dedicated to providing you with a personalized service that fits your needs and budget.

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